Company Name: Northwest Territorial Mint
Founded: 1984
Note: SOLD to Ranger Industries. See
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How to Invest in Gold: Why Gold Should Be a Part of Your IRA and How to Add It
Invest in Gold
Anyone who keeps an eye on the financial news knows that gold is a relatively volatile commodity. One is never quite sure which way it’s going to move. So why invest your precious retirement money in gold?
As part of a balanced and diversified portfolio, resources such as gold are used as a hedge against difficult times in the financial markets. If there’s a currency devaluation, the intrinsic value of gold remains constant. Your dollars might be worth less, but your gold still has the same intrinsic value. This is only true of a holding in physical gold. Gold stock and particularly gold exploration stocks are paper assets and are more risky.
Note that gold is a good investment as part of a diversified portfolio. You should also have investments in other assets, including other financial assets and hard assets. Precious metals that you physically own are a small but important part of an investment portfolio. That’s where gold comes into the picture. Many experts such as Jim Rickards recommend a gold holding of 10 – 15% of an investment portfolio but he varies that over time and it depends very much on your particular needs. So far, so good, but exactly how will you make your investment?
Your physical gold holding can be in gold bullion bars or bullion coins, depending on your preferences. In general, any investment aimed at rapid, large returns is riskier. Hedge investments that protect you in times of economic turmoil are generally safer but less likely to rise rapidly in value. You’re basically faced with a trade-off between safety and return potential. A Gold IRA offers security and tax advantages.
Example of a Safe Gold Portfolio
With this choice, you are looking at having a really safe “disaster fund’ for times when the rest of the financial market is doing poorly or perhaps in the extreme is in collapse.
You might invest 55 -70% of your gold resource allocation into gold bullion. Many investors prefer to purchase gold bullion coins – if we ever get down to the barter system, they could come in handy. But gold bullion coins have a downside too. Safekeeping is important.
If you’re not that pessimistic about the potential for a significant market downturn and you would like exposure to the gold spot price, get gold ETF shares. For diversification, it’s probably best to have no more than 10 – 15% in ETF’s. However, the best and simplest alternative for your physical gold holding is to set-up a self-directed IRA for your physical precious metals holdings. A self-directed gold IRA leaves control over your investment completely in your hands, allowing you more control over your investment choices. It also has benefits over other forms of investment in physical gold owing to the tax-free aspects of an IRA. In terms of security, an IRA is a strong option.
Some investors choose to have about 10% of their overall gold investment in gold stocks – exploration stocks are too risky for this ‘safe’ portfolio. Gold stocks will generate returns whenever the gold price rises. However, if your physical gold holding is in a gold IRA, you will likely not need to consider a 10% investment in gold stocks.
The remaining investment might go into offshore currencies. Since gold prices rise when the dollar is weak, you can benefit by using other currencies and currency ETF’s.
Example of a High Profit Gold Portfolio
Remember the correlation between risk and return? This portfolio example could prove very profitable, but it isn’t as secure as the example above – in fact, it’s very risky and you should consider your options carefully before risking your retirement funds on such a venture. Get expert financial advice before you move forward.
In this scenario, you would only invest 15% in physical gold. Once again, it’s simplest, safest and more profitable to work with a gold IRA.
You want to make the largest possible amount of money in a relatively short period, so 70% of your investment will go into gold stocks. Exploration stocks are risky, but if gold is found, they can be enormously profitable. 60 of your 70% will go into gold exploration stocks. Not all gold exploration stocks are equally promising, so it’s vitally important to get expert advice unless you really know your market well. Even with the best information, your investment is a risky one. The remaining 10% goes into gold production stocks. This helps you to take advantage of sudden increases in the gold price.
Cash in currencies other than USD would account for only 15% of your total investment.
Gold as an Essential Part of Your Portfolio
If you choose to invest in gold, carefully consider the type of gold investment you make. If you’re working with retirement funds, focus on the safety and security of physical gold holdings within a gold IRA. By using an IRA, your physical gold holding benefits from the tax advantaged features of a gold IRA.